The 3-Step Strategy Smart Investors Are Using to Turn $10,000 into $100k, $200k, or even $1 Million + ...

Free Workshop Reveals The "Secret" Way to Retire Early

Without wasting money on financial advisor fees, outdated advice, or high-fee mutual funds

*Results not typical.

You Don't Want to Miss This!

  • The Simple 3-Step Strategy Regular People Are Using to Turn $10K Into $1 Million (Or More)—All With Just ONE Investment.
    (Hint: It’s NOT Stocks. It’s NOT Real Estate.)

  • A Step-By-Step Game Plan to 10X Your Money in 5 Years or Less—Without Gambling, Guessing, or Putting Your Lifestyle on the Line.

  • Why MOST Investing Advice Is Either Too Slow or Too Risky—And How Our Clients Are Growing Their Money FASTER and SAFER So They Can Retire 5, 10, Even 20 Years Early.

  • The #1 Investment Right Now for Beating Inflation and Retiring Early—That’s 10X BIGGER THAN AMAZON and Has NOTHING to Do With Bitcoin, AI, or Starting a Business.

  • How a Regular Guy With ZERO Investing Experience Turned $4,000 Into $1.6 MILLION in 2 Years—And How Our Clients Are Using the SAME Strategy to Build Wealth Faster Than They Ever Thought Possible.

  • ...And the BEST Part?

    NO Risky Trades. NO Starting a Business. NO Sitting in Front of a Computer All Day. Just ONE Simple Strategy That’s WORKING in Today’s Market.

You Don't Want to Miss This!

You Don't Want to Miss This!

Brice Royer, Co-founder & Creator of Medallion Investments

Founder and creator of the 10X Your Returns system — the most reliable and simple wealth system in the world. This secret “set it and forget it” Wall Street strategy has helped hundreds of middle-class investors around the world retire earlier without putting their lifestyle at risk or being glued trading at the computer. As a cancer survivor featured on CNN, NBC, CTV, Global News, Huffington Post and international media for his charitable acts of kindness, his personal mission is to share this strategy to bridge the gap between the ultra-rich and everyone else.

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Any earnings referenced are those of our most exceptional clients. Please understand our results are not typical, I’m not implying you’ll duplicate them (or do anything for that matter). Our coaches have the benefit of many years of experience in investing. The average person who buys any online information gets little to no results. We are using these references for example purposes only. Your results will vary and depend on many factors… including but not limited to your background, experience, and work ethic. All investments entails risk as well as massive and consistent effort and action. If you’re not willing to accept that, please DO NOT attempt to work with us. @